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9月 03, 2018 2 min read

Here at Jadeite Atelier, we use only jadeite that comes from Myanmar, also known as Burmese jade. Amongst the jadeite category, the most expensive and desirable origin is Burmese jade. As you read on further, we will talk about how the origin takes part in the appreciation of jade. Before we go further, if you're unsure about what the difference between jade and jadeite then you may want to read our article on this, click here to learn go there now.

The importance of the origin of the jade is relevant when determining the value of the jade. Although they may be classified under the same name, jade found in different mines have different characteristics of color and many more. Similar to other gemstones, take rubies for example, with many places in the world found to produce them, none can rival by value with the Burmese red rubies, also known as “Pigeon Blood” ruby.

As described in our “what is jade” article, jade is a common generic name for the gemstone material and is divided into two classifications: jadeite and nephrite. They are formed through metamorphism and are mostly found in metamorphic rocks. If we map out the locations of known jadeite and nephrite deposits, we observe that they extend along the margins of current or geologically ancient convergent plate boundaries involving oceanic lithosphere. Jadeite is denser and is typically found in rocks that have a higher pressure origin than nephrite. Hence naturally, this causes a geographic separation between the jadeite and nephrite deposits.

Jadeite deposits have been located in various locations in the world: Myanmar, US, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Mexico, Japan. Jadeite from Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) is unrivalled by value than any others with easily 10 times higher in price. The high quality Burmese jadeite can exist in many different colors and is by far much more vibrant compared to other jadeite stones of a different origin.

Jadeite comparison by origin: Burma, Japan, California

Nephrite deposits have been located in various locations in the world: Canada, New Zealand, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Italy, Turkestan. The British Columbia province in Canada is the currently the principal source of green nephrite with vast amounts of identified depository sites. And in contrast, amongst the nephrite category, it is the white nephrite (also called white jade) found in the Xinjiang province of China that is highest in value within its category. It has a unique density to it and it has been said that after palming it on your hand you will notice oil surfacing on the top as though it is drawing it out from the human body, hence the white nephrite from Xinjiang has been given the name “white mutton”. The next subsequent grade of white nephrite are those that originate from the Qinghai province and in Russia.

Nephrite comparison by origin: Canada, China, New Zealand

Now that you know about where jade comes from, it's probably time for you to learn about authenticating jade. Click here to go to our article about jade certification.

And if you're ready to see some jade jewelry, start with our Eternity | 緣 collection, click here to go there now.